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Suffering From Pinched Nerves?
Dr. Shannan McCormick

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Sciatica Berwyn PA Pinched Nerve
Are you suffering from pinched nerves? It is possible for a “Pinched” nerve to happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles, and internal organs, and can affect your general health, posture, energy level, resistance to disease – even your emotional health. “Pinched” nerves can merely put a pinch in your daily life.

Your Nervous System

There are billions of nerve fibers in your body, often arranged in bundles called nerves. Many billions of them travel inside the spinal column as part of the spinal cord and exit through openings between the vertebrae. After leaving the spinal column, the nerves separate into smaller and smaller bundles and travel to every system and organ in your body.

What If I Had No Nerves?/h3>

Without nerves, you couldn’t see, hear, touch, taste or smell. You also wouldn’t be able to feel hot, cold, pain or pleasure. Your body would be the ultimate sensory deprivation tank; you’d be completely cut off from existence. Without nerves, you would be paralyzed entirely – no muscles could move. Your body wouldn’t be able to respond to any of your commands, and you’d be a prisoner within yourself.

The Nerve Regulator

Nerves regulate your breathing, sweating, shivering, internal organ function, heartbeat, digestion, excretion, blood supply to different organs and blood pressure. Without healthy nerves, your body would be quite useless.

Why Do Pinched Nerves Occur?

When the nerves come down from the brain, they travel through a bony canal formed by vertebrae. If the vertebrae are misaligned slightly, they may cause the nerves to be irritated, compressed or stretched. Nerves send electrical impulses, or chemical nutrients, which are necessary for muscle and whole system health.

What can cause nerve pinching or impingement?

A fall or an accident, even a very mild one that happened years ago may be enough to misalign your spine. Some common causes are unnatural sleeping positions, poor posture, fatigue, dental work, a difficult birth, emotional stress, poor nutrition or a combination of them all.

Symptoms Of Pinched Nerves Manifest Differently

When the spinal column is misaligned, the entire skeletal system will become off balance, which can cause fatigue and exhaustion. When the misaligned vertebrae compress the nerves, their impulses are altered and can affect the area that the nerve is delivering the message to in the body. Over time a weakening of your body’s functions may result. This “dis-ease” sets the stage for diseases of all kinds. Some of these include ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, lung conditions such as asthma, fevers, headaches, seizures, allergies, bed-wetting, colds, hearing, vision and a host of other problems.

Do All Pinched Nerves Hurt?

Less than 10% of the nerve system can feel pain, so you don’t always know if there’s a problem.

Most people with pinched nerves are not in pain. People with painful pinched nerves might be considered the lucky ones – they know they have a problem in their spine and they (hopefully) will get themselves checked by a chiropractor.

But what about the ones without pain?

Your Pinched Nerve Solution

Our team of experts specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of “pinched” and trapped nerves.  If you suffer from pinched nerves which could include the conditions of sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome, call today and let us remove the painful pinch from your health.

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For Wellness,

Dr. Shannan McCormick

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